So much for plans. Ventured out for a run last
night. Cousin Ollie’s coming down late on Saturday night for two days so I
think I’ll end up bringing my long run forward by 24 hours, as a result of
which I brought my Thursday morning run forward to Wednesday evening, which I
also did because I’m WFH today and I find the early morning endorphin release
isn’t as beneficial when I don’t go into the office, which I normally do on
Thursdays only my lift provider’s away today, so… Anyway, I went out for a run.
All the stuff I read when I started getting into
this running malarkey suggested mixing up routes and surfaces. I resisted doing
so purely because of practicalities and limitations: I live on top of a hill
and, whilst there are a few options in terms of which roads I use, the one I’ve
settled on is a good one: nice gradient mix, not too busy… although it has
meant I’ve settled into a routine of laps and, with or without stopwatch, my
body has learnt to pace itself well. It knows what it can achieve when I’m
doing four laps, when I’m doing six… all well and good, but I’ve no real idea
as to what I can expect it to do in either the 10k or the Half. I have route
maps for both but they are mere indications, not least because map reading
never was my strong point.
Anyway, Nick hammered the point home
again in a series of tweets last week:
“Keep making your body guess”… hmmm… makes sense… I
don’t want to, but I know I should…

Boy, am I glad I did that!
This was a wake-up call. Having clocked 5’59”/km on
Tuesday on a route with even greater climbs, last night only a surge at the end
got me down to 6’19”/km. That surge was on tarmac. Until then, I had failed to
match recent pace on the softer trail underfoot. Which, I understand, is the
main terrain for the TenTenTen.
Was it just about the terrain? I don’t believe so.
Out of my comfort zone, my body’s autopilot failed miserably. My legs couldn’t
pace themselves on the back of previous runs: as a result, they erred on the
side of caution. When I repeat yesterday’s route I will have a better idea and
would expect to do better. But first time round, with a significant part of
limited brain power trying to figure out pace whilst looking out for slip
hazards, speed was always going to suffer. For me, there will be no dress
rehearsal of the TenTenTen, whereas it’s Cousins Nats’ and Ollie’s default
practice ground. Hopefully I’ll glean something from those around me:
furthermore, the Sheffield route is regularly trodden upon by runners and
walkers alike, hopefully making it more suitable than a bunch of fields into which
only tractors, seagulls, crows and dogwalkers (so presumably dogs, an’all)
appear to have ventured recently. That’s got to help… hasn’t it?
As summers go, it’s not been a great one for trail
running. Besides, I wanted to ensure I was doing OK on the road before
venturing off it, not least from a safety perspective. But if I’m still doing
this in a year’s time… who knows, maybe I should spend £35
in Decathlon. For now, the Asics did the job. Look at the state of them now…
they’re hardly the shiny new things I brought home last April, eh?
Bless’em… I should probably revert to the old Nike
pair I wore in Devon next time! I know these don’t look too bad, especially
compared to some of the football boots I’ve brought home over the years – but you’re
not meant to get your running shoes dirty! Are you?
So where does this leave me? I am certainly less confident about breaking the hour mark in Sheffield, purely because of the role of trail and of my unfamiliarity with the route. No less confident about completing the 10k: I’m running at least 10km three times a week, I’m in good shape, I can do the ‘completing’ bit. Because of that confidence, however, some of my focus has inevitably shifted to the time and last night reminded me that there is a reason why athletics, as well as Formula 1, takes place on tarmac rather than trail. Not that I feel bad about beating the hour mark looking less likely: last night simply gave me an enhanced appreciation of the importance of those two factors (to which I had referred last month anyway as the two greatest unknowns), reminding me that my regular pace is simply not fast enough to counter-balance their impact. To some extent, it kind of takes off some of the pressure I was beginning to put myself under… But it has no real impact on my plans for the Bristol Half Marathon, which will be an all-tarmac affair. Moreover, the sad reality is that I can glean a better understanding of the route for the latter than for the Sheffield TenTenTen. When I actually run in Sheffield, I’m sure I’ll recognise every bit of it, for the race is set across parks and woodlands I know and love well… I’m just struggling to get a precise sense of it from afar. Fortunately those kind people at Kandoo Events have posted a couple of videos… hmmm… OK, yes, that seems doable. Besides, one should not underestimate the power of adrenaline. Just watching these clips has brought tears to my eyes. That’s my land, those are my people. I’m training hard, I’m watching what I eat… but, cometh the day, I am sure I can rely on the spirit of those who came before me to rise through the Sheffield soil and inspire me to do myself, and them, justice.
So where does this leave me? I am certainly less confident about breaking the hour mark in Sheffield, purely because of the role of trail and of my unfamiliarity with the route. No less confident about completing the 10k: I’m running at least 10km three times a week, I’m in good shape, I can do the ‘completing’ bit. Because of that confidence, however, some of my focus has inevitably shifted to the time and last night reminded me that there is a reason why athletics, as well as Formula 1, takes place on tarmac rather than trail. Not that I feel bad about beating the hour mark looking less likely: last night simply gave me an enhanced appreciation of the importance of those two factors (to which I had referred last month anyway as the two greatest unknowns), reminding me that my regular pace is simply not fast enough to counter-balance their impact. To some extent, it kind of takes off some of the pressure I was beginning to put myself under… But it has no real impact on my plans for the Bristol Half Marathon, which will be an all-tarmac affair. Moreover, the sad reality is that I can glean a better understanding of the route for the latter than for the Sheffield TenTenTen. When I actually run in Sheffield, I’m sure I’ll recognise every bit of it, for the race is set across parks and woodlands I know and love well… I’m just struggling to get a precise sense of it from afar. Fortunately those kind people at Kandoo Events have posted a couple of videos… hmmm… OK, yes, that seems doable. Besides, one should not underestimate the power of adrenaline. Just watching these clips has brought tears to my eyes. That’s my land, those are my people. I’m training hard, I’m watching what I eat… but, cometh the day, I am sure I can rely on the spirit of those who came before me to rise through the Sheffield soil and inspire me to do myself, and them, justice.
Whatever the terrain, on September 23 I’ll be back
on the beaten track. My track. And I’ll be alreight.

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